
Why we couldn’t turn down this pro bono project

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What we’re working on: We’re often asked to do pro bono work, and this request from the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia hit a nerve, as the illness has affected my personal circle as it has many others. Creating the poster for their upcoming big annual fundraiser, Dine and Dance for a Cure, was a matter of combining the Foundation’s rich trademark blue with a striking mirror-ball to tell the story immediately.

Why it matters: As a business proudly based in Sydney’s inner west for more than 20 years, Funky Barramundi supports a range of local organisations. This request came via our client, Patterson Rizzo Biviano Real Estate, and we’re as committed to fundraising on the night as they are.

How this can help you: There’s no better way of communicating that your business cares than by putting your money where your mouth is. Of course, there’s a limit to how much pro bono work any organisation can take on, but for now we’re feeling chuffed we could help.

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