
Part 2: Why 2021 might be a good year for that brand refresh

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In part 1, we took a quick look at the power of branding.  Now, let’s health-check your branding.
If your brand and logo aren’t performing against even one or two of these scenarios, it could be time to talk to us about a brand refresh:
  • Does your logo work well in digital and print resolutions? Pixels are not your friend!  Dated logos function poorly online in ads, on websites or as a favicon (the shortcut logo you’ll see on the browser tab on the most professional sites).
  • Does your brand look and feel the same wherever it goes? Strong brands retain a clear identity across touchpoints, from Instagram to point of sale and beyond.
  • Is your brand distinctive or does it blend in with the competition? Turn heads and set your business apart with a brand that tells your story and communicates your values.
  • Is your business or product range growing? Good branding sets the stage for expansion, making it easy to take your offering to new customers or allowing your existing customers to enjoy new product choices within your range.
  • Is it easy for staff and suppliers to apply your brand style in new ways and in new places? A brand style guide removes the guesswork and assures consistency for a confident and winning brand.
We’re here to help take your brand new places in 2021.
Nailing our colours to the mast
Part 1: Keeping on brand and why it matters