Lira Financial
Logo Design
Business Card Design
Visual Identity
Style Guide
Email Signature

Our recent collaboration with Lira Financial has seen us do more of what we do best: helping clients grow and achieve their business goals.

In its 15 years on the property lending scene, the advisory has relied on word of mouth referrals. But as it sets its sights on a new phase of growth, it turned to Funky Barramundi for inspiration and a sharp new look.

The abstract ‘L’ creates a sense of movement and growth in a palette of aquas and dark blues typical of the financial services industry.

We backed up the brand vision with a style guide (detailing typography, colour specs and more) to help the business stay true to its new look.

Lira’s stylish business cards and email signature blocks are already connecting the brand with new flair and we’re excited to be a part of it.

/ Inspiring With Design

Get primed for business success with stand-out designs that work hard for your brand

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ZU Creative